Bigger Picture

Since 2021, I have worked as a play designer and process illustrator at the consulting firm Bigger Picture.

In a small consulting company, tasks tend to vary beyond the original job description. As a result, I have illustrated both digitally and by hand, live at meetings and conferences, and created animated videos both in analog and digital formats. I have taught drawing and our theories on graphic facilitation (both in-person and online), designed graphic materials for newsletters, presentations, social media, and sales materials. Most recently, I was responsible for building the company’s new website (in Wix—I do not code).

Since the onset of COVID-19, Bigger Picture has shifted more towards digital solutions, as the number of physical meetings and conferences has decreased. Therefore, I have been responsible for digitising (re-illustrating) their physical back catalog and rebuilding it in the online whiteboard platforms Miro and Mural.

The process of learning and using these platforms has made us leaders in their application. In 2022, we decided to incorporate training in these platforms alongside our regular courses. Since then, over 500 participants from companies such as Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk, DR, the Danish Agricultural Agency, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have taken part and improved their use of these tools.




Private work